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Dude is on a Beer ONLY diet. No, seriously

Believe it or not, man can survive on beer alone. At least longer than you'd think. So what are the redeeming health qualities of consuming nothing but beer? Well Men's Health has some answers to that question. The hardest thing with the subject in the study, says aromas that trigger food cravings was the hardest part. Oh, and there's the kidney problem and little to no protein problem. Once your body is done eating it's own fat, it will turn to your muscles. I'm sure blackouts are no fun either. This fella is going to attempt a 50 day, beer only diet.

Here he is talking about LAST years 46 day beer only diet. “It’s not just possible monks did it, it's pretty plausible,” Hall said.

Hall lost 44 pounds during the fast.

“I wasn't sure if beer was going to allow me to experience all those things that fasting does but it absolutely has,” Hall said. “I mean I really feel like I'm in my 20's again and I'm in my mid 40's so I feel great.”

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